Usefull VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts

As seen on Wes Bos’ YT video.

Ctrl + - will go back in history through open files where your cursor were

Jump to last edit location

Cmd + K, Cmd + Q will take you to last edit location

Ctrl + Tab will take you to the previous tab. If you hold it, you’ll get a list of tabs sorted by recency. By tapping it quickly you’ll be able to switch between last two used really quickly.

Cmd + p + p does the same thing apparently.

Goto symbol

First tap Cmd + p to open file search. Then if you type @ you’ll get a list of symbols in the current file. Symbols are methods, properties, CSS class definitions or whatnots depending on file type. By adding : after @ you’ll get them sorted (@:). Of course, you can continue with the fuzzy search after the @ to find a method you are looking for.

This not only works in the current file but across the workspace. So Cmd + p then start typing file name followed by @ and you’ll get symbols for the first file from the search.

Tap Cmd + p and then enter % and you’ll be able to do a quick text search across your workspace and if you scroll (with keyboard) through the list you’ll get a quick preview of the found text in the file itself.

Goto definition

Hold Cmd and then click on the method name and you’ll be taken to its definition.

Subsequently, if you are on method declaration line and click F12 (mind the Fn key) you’ll get a “peaker” with a list of files and lines where the method is being called from.

Move or select by word

If you use Alt/Option + left or right arrow you’ll move either by symbol or string. But if you add Ctrl in the mix (Ctrl + Alt/Option + left or right arrow) you’ll move by word even in camel case or snake case.


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