Use Eloquent’s getChanges
method to get model changes
After saving (or updating) your Eloquent model you can easily get list of change attributes and its new data even after they were synced to the DB.
$dummyModel = DummyModel::create([
'foo' => 'bar',
'bar' => 'baz',
'foo' => 'baz',
$changes = $dummyModel->getChanges();
// $changes are equal to Array(['foo' => 'baz']);
There are several other interesting methods regarding changes in the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns\HasAttributes
wasChanged($attributes = null)
where you can check if there are any changes or whether any specific (or many specific) attributes have changedhasChanges($changes, $attributes = null)
which checks if any of the given attributes were changed
While checking this methods out be sure to check family of dirty
methods to check for changes before DB sync.
Make sure to check if the method behaves the same on async queues -
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