One idea, one article

Wed Oct 23 2024

As I was writing my latest article, “When does the TDD approach make sense”, I realized that I had stuffed the article with a lot of bloat just for it to be longer. Don’t worry, the final published version was trimmed as much as possible.

I’ve used ChatGPT to expand on my idea and content and wanted to include a lot of it in one article. Was it more informative? Yes. Did it provide more value or bring anything new to the table? No.

As I was writing, I realized that I was losing focus and the article was becoming something that you can read on Wikipedia. I don’t need to provide TDD definition, nor list all benefits of TDD. Nor do I need to have “When TDD does not make sense?” section. Everyone can get that by using ChatGPT.

I just wanted to share my thoughts and examples of when I use TDD.

But what about SEO and keyword stuffing? Doesn’t Google appreciate long articles more? I’m not writing for Google, nor robots, nor SEO. I’m writing for you, dear readers. And I know that if you are wondering what TDD is, you’ll be able to Google it.

I believe focus and time are the currency of the Information Overload Age that we are living in. And I refuse to spend yours or mine on AI generated text that nobody cares about.

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