Luka Peharda
The art of restructuring existing computer code without changing its external behavior
It is a code makeover, but without the need to hire Mirjana Mikulec
"Refactoring is a series of small behavior preserving transformations. Each transformation does little, but a sequence of these transformations can produce a significant restructuring."
Martin Fowler
Enhance readability
Enhance maintainability
Improve extensibility
Increase understanding of unfamiliar code
Increase performance
Reduce technical debt
1 + 1 = 3
It's a warm summer evening in ancient Greece…
Course / Lesson / Video & Comments
class Course
protected array $lessons;
public function statement(): string
$count = count($this->lessons);
$duration = 0;
$commentsCount = 0;
// Loop through lessons and calculate duration and comments count
foreach ($this->lessons as $lesson) {
if ($lesson->video !== null) {
$duration += floor($lesson->video->duration / 60);
} else {
$duration += floor(
) / 200 * 60
$commentsCount += count($lesson->comments);
return sprintf(
'This course has %d lessons with %d comments and will take %d minutes to complete.',
public function statement(): string
$count = count($this->lessons);
$duration = 0;
$commentsCount = 0;
// Loop through lessons and calculate duration and comments count
foreach ($this->lessons as $lesson) {
$duration += $this->getLessonDuration($lesson);
$commentsCount += count($lesson->comments);
return sprintf(
'This course has %d lessons with %d comments and will take %d minutes to complete.',
protected function getLessonDuration(Lesson $lesson): int
if ($lesson->video !== null) {
return floor($lesson->video->duration / 60);
} else {
return floor(
) / 200 * 60
class Lesson
public ?Video $video = null;
public ?string $text = null;
public array $comments;
public function getDuration(): int
if ($this->video !== null) {
return floor($this->video->duration / 60);
} else {
return floor(
) / 200 * 60
public function getCommentsCount(): int
return count($this->comments);
public function statement(): string
$count = count($this->lessons);
$duration = $commentsCount = 0;
// Loop through lessons and calculate duration and comments count
foreach ($this->lessons as $lesson) {
$duration += $lesson->getDuration();
$commentsCount += $lesson->getCommentsCount();
return sprintf(
'This course has %d lessons with %d comments and will take %d minutes to complete.',
class Course
protected array $lessons;
protected function calculateDuration(array $lessons): int
return array_reduce(
fn($acc, $lesson) => $acc + $lesson->getDuration()
, 0);
protected function commentsCount(array $lessons): int
return array_reduce(
fn($acc, $lesson) => $acc + $lesson->getCommentsCount()
, 0);
public function statement(): string
return sprintf(
'This course has %d lessons with %d comments and will take %d minutes to complete.',
Rule of three
When you add a new feature
When you fix a bug
When implementing new feature using a new technique
During code review
When procrastinating
or needing a small win to get you started
If it stinks, change it
Long Method
Long Class
// $commentable is a lesson so it should only be made searchable if lesson is not published
if ($commentable::class === Lesson::class && ! $commentable->isPublished()) {
// ...
class Lesson
public function shouldBePublished(): bool
return $this->isPublished();
if ($commentable->shouldBePublished()) {
// ...
Primitive Obsession
Primitive Obsession
class Order
public function pay(float $amount, string $currency = 'USD'): void
// ...
Primitive Obsession
class Price
public function __construct(
protected float $amount,
protected string $currency = 'USD'
) {
// ...
class Order
public function pay(Price $price): void
// ...
Primitive Obsession
$item = [
'name' => 'Beer',
'price' => 2.0,
'currency' => 'USD'
$item = new OrderItem(
name: 'Beer',
price: 2.0,
currency: 'USD'
Long Parameter List
Long Parameter List
class MemberService
public function createMember(
Website $website,
string $email,
string $firstName,
string $lastName,
bool $sendNotification = false
): Member {
$member = Member::create([
'website_id' => $website->id,
'email' => $request->email,
'first_name' => $request->firstName,
'last_name' => $request->lastName
if ($sendNotification) {
dispatch(SendNotification($website, $member));
return $member;
Long Parameter List
class MemberService
public function createMember(
Website $website,
CreateMemberRequest $request,
bool $sendNotification = false
): Member {
$member = Member::create([
'website_id' => $website->id,
'email' => $request->email,
'first_name' => $request->firstName,
'last_name' => $request->lastName
if ($sendNotification) {
dispatch(SendNotification($website, $member));
return $member;
Long Parameter List
class MemberService
public function createMember(
Website $website,
CreateMemberRequest $request
): Member {
return Member::create([
'website_id' => $website->id,
'email' => $request->email,
'first_name' => $request->firstName,
'last_name' => $request->lastName
public function createMemberAndSendNotification(
Website $website,
CreateMemberRequest $request
): Member {
$member = $this->createMember($website, $request);
dispatch(SendNotification($website, $member));
return $member;
Shotgun Surgery
Shotgun Surgery
class MakeCommentSearchable
public function shouldBeSearchable(): bool
if ($comment->created_at < now()->subHours(3)) {
return false;
return true;
class ShowComments
public function shouldBeDisplayed(): bool
if ($comment->created_at < now()->subHours(3)) {
return false;
return true;
Shotgun Surgery
class Comment {
public function wasCreatedRecently(): bool
if ($this->created_at < now()->subHours(3)) {
return false;
return true;
public function shouldBeSearchable(): bool
return $comment->wasCreatedRecently();
public function shouldBeDisplayed(): bool
return $comment->wasCreatedRecently();
Inappropriate Intimacy
Inappropriate Intimacy
class Member
public function getFullAddress(): string
$output = $this->address->street . ' ' . $this->houseNumber;
$output .= ', ' . $this->address->city . ' ' . $this->address->zipCode;
if ($this->address->state) {
$output .= ', ' . $this->address->state;
$output .= ', ' . $this->address->country;
return $output;
Inappropriate Intimacy
class Address
public function getFullAddressAsString(): string
$output = $this->street . ' ' . $this->houseNumber;
$output .= ', ' . $this->city . ' ' . $this->zipCode;
if ($this->state) {
$output .= ', ' . $this->state;
$output .= ', ' . $this->country;
return $output;
public function getFullAddress(): string
return $this->address->getFullAddress();
Feature Envy
Dead Code
Duplicate Code
Extract Method / Class
Move Method
Replace Temp with Query
Replace Data Value with Object
Introduce Parameter Object
Replace Array with Object
Introduce Explaining Variable
Introduce Explaining Variable
if (($platform->toUpperCase()->indexOf("MAC") > -1)
&& ($browser->toUpperCase()->indexOf("IE") > -1)
&& $this->wasInitialized()) {
// ...
$isMacOs = $platform->toUpperCase()->indexOf("MAC") > -1;
$isIE = $browser->toUpperCase()->indexOf("IE") > -1;
if ($isMacOs && $isIE && $this->wasInitialized()) {
// ...
Hide Delegate
Hide Delegate
Remove Middle Man
Remove Middle Man
Introduce Foreign Method
Introduce Foreign Method
class Report {
public function sendReport()
$previousReportDate = clone $this->previousReportDate;
$paymentDate = $previousReportDate->modify("+7 days");
// ...
Introduce Foreign Method
class Report {
public function sendReport()
$paymentDate = $this->nextWeek($this->previousReportDate);
// ...
* Foreign method. Should be in Date.
private function nextWeek(DateTime $date)
$previousReportDate = clone $date;
return $previousReportDate->modify("+7 days");
Introduce Local Extension
Replace Magic Number with Symbolic Constant
Replace Magic Number with Symbolic Constant
class CommentService
public function getPublishedComments()
return Comment::where('status', 2)->get();
public function getPendingComments()
return Comment::where('status', 1)->get();
public function getPublishedComments()
return Comment::where('status', 'published')->get();
Replace Magic Number with Symbolic Constant
class Comment
public function getPublishedComments()
return Comment::where('status', Comment::STATUS_PENDING)->get();
Decompose Conditional
Decompose Conditional
class Order
public function calculateTotal()
if ($this->taxSettings->includeVat === true && $this->taxSettings->chargeVat === true && $this->taxSettings->vatPercentage > 0 && $this->customer->vatValid === false) {
$price = $this->price * (1 + $this->taxSettings->vatPercentage / 100);
$total = $price * $quantity;
} else {
$price = $this->price;
$total = $price * $quantity;
return $total;
Decompose Conditional
class Order
public function calculateTotal()
if (
$this->taxSettings->includeVat === true
&& $this->taxSettings->chargeVat === true
&& $this->taxSettings->vatPercentage > 0
&& $this->customer->vatValid === false
) {
$price = $this->price * (1 + $this->taxSettings->vatPercentage / 100);
$total = $price * $this->quantity;
} else {
$price = $this->price;
$total = $price * $this->quantity;
return $total;
Decompose Conditional
protected function shouldChargeVat(TaxSettings $taxSettings, Customer $customer)
return $taxSettings->includeVat === true && $taxSettings->chargeVat === true
&& $taxSettings->vatPercentage > 0 && $customer->vatValid === false;
protected function calculateTotalVatIncluded()
return $this->price
* (1 + $this->taxSettings->vatPercentage / 100)
* $this->quantity;
protected function calculateTotalWithoutVat()
return $this->price * $this->quantity;
public function calculateTotal()
if ($this->shouldChargeVat($this->taxSettings, $this->customer)) {
return $this->calculateTotalVatIncluded();
return $this->calculateTotalWithoutVat();
Hide delegate VS Remove middle man
Extract method VS Inline method
Add parameter VS Remove parameter
Parametrize method VS Replace parameter with explicit methods
Replace error code with exception VS Replace exception with test
Refactoring by Michael Fowler
Mikado Method
Leave the code in better shape than you found it
Class is an extensible program-code-template for creating objects, providing initial values for state (member variables) and implementations of behavior (member functions or methods)
Object is called an instance of the class, and the member variables specific to the object are called instance variables
Facade is a structural design pattern that provides a simple interface to a complex subsystem which contains lots of moving parts